Casting Down Idols
Offering Biblical addiction recovery teachings to enable you to walk in victory. Looking to God for the answers we seek in overcoming the chains that can bind us! Pastor Dixon holds a Master of Divinity with Biblical Counseling degree, a B.S. in Church Ministries, Associate or Arts in Religion, and is a Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist-A through the governing board of N.C. He is also a published author, "Casting Down Idols through The Power of The Gospel,” available on Amazon.com, as well as other online bookstores. Pastor Dixon is the founder and Director of L.I.F.E., an addiction recovery ministry, in Rocky Mount, N.C. and currently serves as senior Pastor of Winterville Baptist Church, in Winterville, N.C. He can be reached at mikelifeaddictionrecovery@gmail.com
Podcasting since 2019 • 71 episodes
Casting Down Idols
Latest Episodes
Living Abundantly Part 3
The enemy is clearly at work in our world stealing, killing, and destroying everyone he can. There are about 300 drug overdose deaths each year just in the United States. Jesus offers us abundant life! God speaks His truth to us through His Wor...

Living Abundantly Prt 2
Jesus promised in John 10:10 that in contrast to what our enemy desires to do (steal, kill, destroy) He has come to offer us abundant life. In this lesson, as well as in Part 1 of "Living Abundantly" Pastor Dixon shows us that we can enter into...

LIFE Lesson #30 "Getting Your Past in Your Past"
Pastor Mike shares week #30 in the L.I.F.E. curriculum. Its so important that we learn how to live in the present in God's presence and not waste today because of our yesterday.Pastor Mike can be reached at:mikelifeaddictionrecovery...